30.000 m³ concrete poured

We adhere to all protocols

on all our construction sites

C-19 protections

BENBAU construction workers on site

We are continuing to safely deliver projects across Europe, while adhering to government health & safety advice and any applicable restrictions across all of the regions in which we are present.

Safety is a priority that we set above all else within BENBAU and we apply the same uncompromising approach during the Coronavirus pandemic.

We are committed to protecting our employees, visitors and sub-contractors at all times by following the guidelines below.

The BENBAU COVID-19 Assessment Group continue to meet weekly and also hold additional meetings outside of those scheduled to assess any pertinent COVID-19 updates. All information is relayed to employees, contractors and visitors promptly as a priority.


Keep 2m

Wear a mask
at all times

Hand washing
20sec min

Cough into

No hand